Arabesques. Selections of Biography and Poetry from Classical Arabic Literature (Reeks WATA-Publications, nr. 2)
  • Arabesques. Selections of Biography and Poetry from Classical Arabic Literature (Reeks WATA-Publications, nr. 2)

Arabesques. Selections of Biography and Poetry from Classical Arabic Literature (Reeks WATA-Publications, nr. 2)

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€19.00 (incl. VAT)

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Auteur(s): Ibrahim Mumayiz ISBN: 9789044118889 ARABESQUES is a book for the general reader interested in Arabic literature rather than for the academic specialist. In his book Dr Mumayiz has chosen four classical Arabic poets, giving the reader, first in Part I, a biographical account of each poet, and in Part Il, extracts of their poetry classified into various themes such as Love, War, Praise, and Reflections. In his translation of classical Arabic poetry, Dr Mumayiz uses iambic pentametre, either in the form of couplets or quatrains, in a way intended to enhance the musical effect of the graphic, sun-lit potency of classical Arabic poetry. Over de auteur(s):


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