Authenticity and community. Essays in honor of Herman P. Meininger
  • Authenticity and community. Essays in honor of Herman P. Meininger

Authenticity and community. Essays in honor of Herman P. Meininger

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Auteur(s): Hans S. Reinders (Ed.) ISBN: 9789044128529 In the late twentieth century people with disabilities continue to be segregated in many ways from full participation in society, if no longer in physical space then at least in social and cultural space. There is wide agreement that this is something that needs change, and that people ought to be enabled to participate in their communities. In pursuing such change, however, it is important to recognize difference. People need opportunities to participate in ways that enable them to live authentic lives as persons with disabilities. Hence the two key-terms in the title of this collection of essays: community and authenticity. Dr. Herman P. Meininger has made important contributions to the ethical reflection in the field of disability and disability studies in the last two decades, in which he has pursued this line of argument. To honor his work in this field this volume brings together a collection of essays by a number of international well-known scholars. Over de auteur(s):


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