Behaviorally Informed Interviewing | Tom Willems | 9789046610435

  • Maklu

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Auteur: Tom Willems ISBN: 9789046610435 This book presents what the author believes to be an efficient approach to interviewing of white collars. It focuses on the interview of suspects in fraud and corruption investigations, but claims relevance for any setting of strategic and tactical interviewing in inspection or audit. The approach embraces a generally accepted interview model and integrates the latest scientific findings on how people make choices and take decisions. The resulting ‘Behaviourally Informed Interviewing’ (BINT) addresses the specific profiles of perpetrators of fraud and corruption and aims to provide every professional with tools to persuade the latter to tell the truth in a legal and ethical way. Over de auteur(s): Tom WILLEMS is a senior investigator of fraud and corruption cases. After having served 10 years in the Anti-Corruption and Internal Affairs departments of the Belgian Federal Police, he has been an investigator in the European Anti-Fraud Office of the European Union (OLAF) for over 15 years. He has conducted criminal and administrative fraud and corruption investigations in various fields and in cooperation with a vast array of national and international law enforcement and inspection services. He has been teaching and lecturing on interviewing techniques throughout his career, both to national and international organisations. He is a member of the International Investigative Interviewing Research Group and lecturer at the International Anti-Corruption Academy in Vienna. When ordering this title from abroad please send us an email ( ) with your address-details.


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