Chinese arbitration. A selection of pitfalls (AIA - Association for International Arbitration Series)
  • Chinese arbitration. A selection of pitfalls (AIA - Association for International Arbitration Series)

Chinese arbitration. A selection of pitfalls (AIA - Association for International Arbitration Series)

  • Maklu

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Auteur(s): Association for International Arbitration (Ed.) ISBN: 9789046602638 A prosperous economy goes hand in hand with a competent, impartial and efficient legal system. International investment is only possible when the business parties are confident that adequate dispute resolution possibilities exist. The conference on Arbitration in China held by the Association for International Arbitration (AIA) in March 2009 and this book resulting from it, aim at highlighting the newest opportunities and update lawyers, arbitrators, mediators and investors about arbitration and mediation in the event a dispute were to arise with Chinese partners. The President of AIA, Johan Billiet, highlights the differences between Chinese and ‘Western’ arbitration in his opening remarks. Fen He addresses the issue of mediation and arbitration in China whereas Patrick Zheng and Phillipe Billiet go into ICC arbitration in China. Axel Neelmeier compares the differences between CIETAC arbitration and other Asian institutions such as HKIAC, SIAC, KCAB, JCAA. Robert Pé offers a practical guide to recent developments in Chinese arbitration and Tony Zhang finally discusses the issue of recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in China. Over de auteur(s):


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