Cost and Quality of Online Dispute Resolution. A handbook for Measuring the Costs and Quality of ODR
  • Cost and Quality of Online Dispute Resolution. A handbook for Measuring the Costs and Quality of ODR

Cost and Quality of Online Dispute Resolution. A handbook for Measuring the Costs and Quality of ODR

  • Maklu

€49.25 (incl. VAT)

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Auteur(s): M. Gramatikov e.a. (ed.) ISBN: 9789046604731 Internet has changed the way we do business, communicate, shop, travel, and learn. Technologies are already assisting people to solve their disputes. E-bay, alone, deals with more than 60 million disagreements per year using smart Online dispute resolution tools. In the Netherlands, some people already arrange their divorce using the advantages of online mediation. In this book, a team of experts from academia, ODR industry and civil society discuss the status quo of ODR in the European Union. But it goes beyond mere overview. The book also outlines the results of the EMCOD project which developed a method for measuring the costs and quality of ODR processes. It has been written for providers and users of ODR services, as well as policy makers committed to innovations in the field of dispute resolution. “As a comprehensive, detailed discussion of the state of the art in online dispute resolution, this book represents a significant contribution to the development of the field.” Colin Rule, CEO of Over de auteur(s): Dr. Martin Gramatikov is a Senior Researcher at the Tilburg Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Civil Law and Conflict Resolution Systems.


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