Entrepreneurial marketing. A guide for startups and growth companies
  • Entrepreneurial marketing. A guide for startups and growth companies

Entrepreneurial marketing. A guide for startups and growth companies

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Auteur(s): Marc Logman ISBN: 9789044128277 Deze uitgave is de Engelstalige versie van: Marketing voor ondernemers . Entrepreneurs engage in marketing in ways that deviate from traditional (mainstream) marketing. They start with a set of means and in deploying them, goals gradually emerge. Moreover, marketing resources are often leveraged in a creative way. This textbook should not only inspire startups, but also existing companies with growth ambitions. Extra information related to this textbook ‘entrepreneurial marketing’ (company examples, a blog, etc.) may be found on www.logicalmanagement.be . Over de auteur(s): Marc Logman holds a Ph.D. degree in applied economics. He is the founder and director of Log ical Man agement, a company specialized in developing tailormade step-by-step guides for all kinds of marketing and management problems (from a company specific marketing plan to company specific checklists for partnerships, idea generation, business development, etc). He has written many international articles and has received an International Award in 2008 from SAVE International for best paper. He is also a part-time program director/advisor at Instima and a guest professor at business schools and universities (such as the Antwerp Management School).


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