EU Justice and Home Affairs: Institutional and policy development
  • EU Justice and Home Affairs: Institutional and policy development

EU Justice and Home Affairs: Institutional and policy development

  • Maklu

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Auteur(s): G. Vermeulen & W. De Bondt ISBN: 9789046606551 This book offers an insight into the historical, institutional and topical development of the EU policy in the area of justice and home affairs, well-embedded in a broader international context. The main part of the book, dedicated to the EU, is therefore preceded by a part on cooperation in the given area on the level of Schengen respectively the Council of Europe, without a proper understanding of which the development and functioning of the EU would be hard to fully grasp. Before addressing the actual policy dimension, all parts start with a historical introduction and a sketch of the institutional structures and functioning. Students and professionals in law, political science and criminology, and every one interested in European criminal policy making may find this book relevant or insightful. Over de auteur(s): Prof. dr. Gert Vermeulen is full professor of international and European criminal law and department chair criminal law and criminology at Ghent University, director of the Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP) and extraordinary professor of evidence at Maastricht University. Wendy De Bondt holds a master’s degree in law (2006) and criminology (2007) and a PhD in law (2012). She has been a member of the Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy affiliated to the Department of Penal Law and Criminology of Ghent University since 2007.


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