Europe Asia Dialogue on business spirituality (European SPES Cahiers, nr. 2)
  • Europe Asia Dialogue on business spirituality (European SPES Cahiers, nr. 2)

Europe Asia Dialogue on business spirituality (European SPES Cahiers, nr. 2)

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Auteur(s): L. Zolnai ISBN: 9789044122831 Values, purposes and functions of European and Asian businesses are topics of vital importance today. European SPES Cahier n.° 2 contains selected papers of the annual conference of the European SPES Forum Europe-Asia Dialogue on Business, Ethics & Spirituality , held in 2006 in Budapest, Hungary. Scholars and practitioners from England, Norway, Sweden and Hungary as well as from India, Indonesia, Japan and the USA share their views on European and Asian ways of doing business. What are the basic differences between the ethical orientation of European and Asian businesses? How can European and Asian traditions of spirituality contribute to transforming contemporary management theory and praxis? Which new leadership roles emerge for spiritual growth and reflection in the workplace in Europe and Asia? The European SPES Forum believes that Europe and Asia can be inspired by each other, especially if they return to and apply creatively their own spiritual foundations. Over de auteur(s): Laszlo Zsolnai is professor and director of the Business Ethics Centre at the Corvinus University of Budapest. He is chairman of the Business Ethics Interfaculty Group of the Community of European Management Schools (CEMS). He is co-founder of the European SPES Forum.


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