European Journal of Policing Studies - Jaargang 4/4 (2016)- 5/1 (2017) (ISSN 2034-760x)- Special issue Observing the observers: Etnograhies of the social world of the police
  • European Journal of Policing Studies - Jaargang 4/4 (2016)- 5/1 (2017) (ISSN 2034-760x)- Special issue Observing the observers: Etnograhies of the social world of the police

European Journal of Policing Studies - Jaargang 4/4 (2016)- 5/1 (2017) (ISSN 2034-760x)- Special issue Observing the observers: Etnograhies of the social world of the police

  • Maklu

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Auteur(s): A. Verhage ISBN: 9789046608999 Subscription details Contents: Aims and scope Antoinette Verhage, Wim Hardyns, Dominique Boels & Lieselot Bisschop Introduction Chaim Demarée & Els Enhus Articles Storytelling about rural policing – the social construction of a professional identity Jan Terpstra Gender expressions, morality and the use of physical force by the Argentine police Sabrina Calandrón Police culture, talk and action: narratives in ethnographic data Elizabeth R. Turner & Mike Rowe Danger is also what patrol officers make of it Chaim Demarée Interaction practices of patrol and district police officers in contact with the population Caroline De Man The racialization of ethnic minority police officers and researchers: on positionality and (auto)ethnographic fieldwork Sinan Çankaya Perplexing positions: the researcher’s role and ethics in the field Camille Claeys, Sofie De Kimpe & Els Dumortier Over de auteur(s):


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