Fervet Opus. Liber Amicorum Anton van Kalmthout
  • Fervet Opus. Liber Amicorum Anton van Kalmthout

Fervet Opus. Liber Amicorum Anton van Kalmthout

  • Maklu

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Auteur(s): Marc Groenhuijsen, Tijs Kooijmans, Theo de Roos (eds.) ISBN: 9789046603673 On July 1, 2010 prof.dr. Anton van Kalmthout retired as a professor on the chair for ‘Deprivation of Liberty in Criminal Law and Migration Law’ at Tilburg University. The Department of Criminal Law felt the need to seize Anton’s emeritus status as an opportunity to put its appreciation under words for Anton’s contribution to legal science, in particular to the field of criminal law and migration law. This volume contains 23 interesting contributions of authors who all have a personal and professional relation with Anton van Kalmthout. The contributions represent to a large extent the various important fields of Anton’s work. Over de auteur(s):


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