Getting to :-) The potential of online text-based communication to support interest-based dispute resolution
  • Getting to :-) The potential of online text-based communication to support interest-based dispute resolution

Getting to :-) The potential of online text-based communication to support interest-based dispute resolution

  • Maklu

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Auteur(s): J. van Veenen ISBN: 9789046604373 This book explores the potential of online communication to improve dispute resolution processes. The potential of online communication to reduce the costs of dispute resolution has long been recognized. Apart from cost reduction, online applications may however also improve the quality of dispute resolution. In this book, the limitations and benefits of using online communication for dispute resolution processes are investigated. It is shown that the common assumption that online communication is too limited for dispute resolution can be challenged. Online communication can be limiting when offline processes are copied into an online environment. However, by designing processes specifically for the medium, innovations are possible that are not available in offline dispute resolution. Next, the potential of online communication to support a specific dispute resolution process is explored. The focus is on tools to support integrative negotiation, which is a common method for negotiating disputes used widely in legal practice and embedded in the formal system of many countries in the form of court-annexed mediation. This process is usually described in general terms. In this research, the process is broken down into 14 concrete tasks. Three chapters describe how online applications may support users in dealing with communication issues (miscommunication, distrust, and strong emotions), in uncovering interests, and in developing creative outcomes. Examples from three ODR applications demonstrate how these methods are being used in practice. Over de auteur(s): Jelle van Veenen is Researcher at Tilburg Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Civil Law and Conflict Resolution Systems (TISCO) at Tilburg University, The Netherlands. This edition is the outcome of his PhD research on Integrative Negotiation Techniques for Online Dispute Resolution.


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