International Journal of Child and Family Welfare (IJCFW) 2018 - Vol.18 1/2. Continuities and discontinuities in family foster care | Séverine Euillet, Daniela Reimer, Amélie Turlais & Erik J. Knorth | 9789044136197

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Auteurs: Séverine Euillet, Daniela Reimer, Amélie Turlais & Erik J. Knorth (eds.) ISBN: 9789044136197 Contents Introduction *Continuities and discontinuities in family foster care: An introduction / Séverine Euillet, Daniela Reimer, Amélie Turlais & Erik J. Knorth *The child and carer relating to each other; a critical factor Assessment of foster carers: their willingness to raise children with special needs / Johan Strijker & Erik J. Knorth *Assessing the relationship between foster children and their families: A tool for research and practice / Teresa Díaz-Tártalo & Nuria Fuentes-Peláez *Changes in the quality of attachment of children in long-term foster care in France? / Séverine Euillet, Myriam Kettani & Hélène Join-Lambert *Processes and experiences linked to discontinuation of foster care “And then I realised I can’t do it anymore”: Foster care breakdown perspectives of foster children and foster parents in German-speaking Switzerland. / Clara Bombach, Thomas Gabriel, Renate Stohler & Karin Werner *Disruptions and continuities in young people’s transitions from foster care to adulthood / Anna-Marie Herdtle *Interdependency models to understand breakdown processes in family foster care: A contribution to social pedagogical research / Klaus Wolf


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