Jaarboek KMSKA 2013-2014 | 9789044134292

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Auteur: KMSKA ISBN: 9789044134292 At various points over the course of the 20th century, the Belgian State and its various ministries and provinces consciously chose to subsidise not only the fine arts but also the applied and decorative arts, and in particular the art of weaving tapestry. On the one hand, orders were placed for World Exhibitions and for Belgian embassies, and on the other competitions were held for tapestries to be hung in important locations such as the United Nations and NATO headquarters, and the exhibitions that were organized by the various ministries over the years. They provided an overview of the ways in which this branch of the arts was changing as well as representative work by the best tapestry designers. The exhibitions organized by the provincial authorities give quite a different image. There were the highly conventional exhibitions of Brabantine tapestries to promote the craftsmanship of the province and there were the more innovative textile exhibitions. Taken as a whole, the commissions, competitions and exhibitions give a good overview of what was happening in Belgium in the field of tapestry over the period 1945-1980. They also make it clear what image was being projected abroad: that of a country with rich traditions, master craftsmanship in weaving, and in the 1970s some affiliation to the latest developments in European textile art.


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