Life course model: a way to work with autism | Kristien Smet & Suzanne van Driel | ASS autisme | 9789044125351

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Auteurs: Kristien Smet & Suzanne van Driel ISBN: 9789044125351 An autism spectrum disorder (ASD) opens permanent needs throughout the entire life course in areas of care but also in terms of education and employment. In a lifetime, there are several transition moments, such as the step to primary or secondary school, the choice of another discipline, the start of higher education or the first job. Transitions are often very complicated for people with ASD. Therefore, perspective thinking and early action are most important for the guidance of people with ASD. The AVANTI-project has developed a life-course model from a proactive and holistic support vision. The model assumes that transitions should be adequately prepared because this can be very decisive for the success of a training or employment programme. This book is aimed at the professional who works with people with ASD, teachers, social workers, counsellors and job coaches. This guide offers them the theoretical framework of the life-course model and a description of practical situations based on pilot projects in the Netherlands, Flanders and Portugal. Kristien Smet earned a graduate degree in Social-Agogic Work, with a major in Social Work and a Master of Arts in Comparative European Social Studies. She works as a social worker for Indigo vzw and as a project assistant for GOB De Ploeg vzw. Suzanne van Driel is a staff member at the Dr. Leo Kannerhuis. She works for the Research & Development Department. This book is the result of a European cooperation in the context of the Lifelong Learning Programme between De Ploeg vzw, specialized in the training and guidance of employment-disabled people (BE) (supervisor), the Dr. Leo Kannerhuis (NL), the Flemish Union of the Catholic Special Needs Education (VVKBuO) (BE), APPACDM de Marinha Grande (PT) and the Strategic Project Organization Kempen (SPK vzw) (BE). This Leonardo Da Vinci project is realized thanks to the support of the European Commission.


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