Models of conflict resolution (E.M. Meijers Reeks)
  • Models of conflict resolution (E.M. Meijers Reeks)

Models of conflict resolution (E.M. Meijers Reeks)

  • Maklu

€31.48 (incl. VAT)

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Auteur(s): I. Sagel-Grande, Polak ISBN: 9789062156511 The notions of ''conflict'' and ''conflict resolution'' have a more or less well-defined meaning in the legal world. But what do conflict and conflict resolution or conflict management mean in other fields of science and which legal and non-legal models of conflict resolution may be distinguished? Could the legal discipline as well as other branches of science learn from an interdisciplinary comparison of these interpretations and models? This book takes up these questions, by bringing together the views of international experts in anthropology, biology, psychology, juvenile sociology, economics, ideology and criminology, Anglo-American law as well as Russian law and criminology. The result is a truly interdisciplinary study of conflict and conflict resolution, which is interesting for both legal and non-legal academics and practitioners. Over de auteur(s):


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