Obesity and pregnancy. An epidemiological and intervention study from a psychosocial perspective | Annick Bogaerts | 9789044130508

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Auteur: Annick Bogaerts ISBN: 9789044130508 Maternal obesity and excessive gestational weight gain are both important health care issues contributing to increased perinatal complications in the short, medium and long term for both the mother and her infant. The epidemiological and psychological characteristics of maternal obesity and related socio-demographic and obstetrical correlates, provide evidence for a tailored weight management strategy for obese women before, during and after a pregnancy. In this doctoral thesis, we identify socio-demographic, obstetrical and psychological characteristics of maternal obesity, we find evidence for beneficial outcomes of a lifestyle intervention programme in obese pregnant women, and we find support for longer term perinatal complications with postpartum weight retention between the first and second pregnancy. Further development and implementation of preconception programmes based on a bio-psycho-social model that explicitly recognizes the individual needs and interacting lifestyle factors in obese women of reproductive age in order to prevent pre-pregnancy obesity, excessive gestational weight gain and postpartum weight retention is a challenge for the near future. Over de auteur: Annick Bogaerts obtained her bachelor degree in Midwifery in 1989 at the ‘Provinciaal Instituut voor Verpleegkunde’ Hasselt. In 1989 she started working as a midwife at the maternity and delivery ward of Salvator Ziekenhuis, Hasselt. In 1996, she completed her master degree ‘Licentiaat Medisch-Sociale Wetenschappen’ and started to combine working as a midwife in the hospital with teaching at KHLim, Catholic University College in midwifery education. In 1999, she completed a ‘postgraduaat neonatologie’. In 2002, she left clinical practice to continue working as a lecturer in midwifery education. In 2007, she started a PWO (Projectmatig Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek) – project about Obesity and Pregnancy at KHLim and PHL, Limburg University College, dpt Healthcare Research, under the supervision of Ingrid Witters. In 2010, she started her PhD project under the supervision of Roland Devlieger (KU Leuven/UZ Leuven) and Bea Van den Bergh (Universiteit van Tilburg).


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