Opportunities for early literacy development: evidence for home and school support
  • Opportunities for early literacy development: evidence for home and school support

Opportunities for early literacy development: evidence for home and school support

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Auteur(s): J. Stoep ISBN: 9789044122817 A substantial amount of discussion during the past decades has been concerned with children from minority and/or poorly educated parents, lagging behind in the areas of language and literacy. The present volume describes a large-scale investigation in which children from diverse socio economic backgrounds were monitored in their process of learning to read in Dutch primary education. In a set of four constituent projects, we will describe the aspects of both home and school environment that play a role in the development of emergent literacy skills and initial reading behavior. The studies are founded on a theoretical framework in which the contribution of parent involvement and teacher expectations is reviewed, in relation to opportunities to become literate. Over de auteur(s): Judith Stoep has specialized in (second) language and literacy acquisition, conducting research at the Radboud University of Nijmegen. Currently, she is a senior researcher in the project KLINc (Kids Learning to take INitiatives in communication) at PonTeM/ Viataal (Nijmegen/Sint-Michielsgestel, the Netherlands).


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