Reframing Prostitution. From Discourse to Description, From Moralisation to Normalisation?
  • Reframing Prostitution. From Discourse to Description, From Moralisation to Normalisation?

Reframing Prostitution. From Discourse to Description, From Moralisation to Normalisation?

  • Maklu

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Auteur(s): N. Persak & G. Vermeulen (Eds.) ISBN: 9789046606735 Prostitution has always fascinated the public and bewildered policy makers. Reframing Prostitution explores several aspects of this multidimensional phenomenon, examining different ways in which prostitution is and was being practised in di\x1ffferent places and di\x1ffferent times, best practices in the regulation of prostitution as well as wider social and psychological issues, such as the construction of prostitution as incivility or of prostitutes as a socially problematic group or as victimised individuals. The book also addresses normative questions with respect to policy making, unmasking the purposes behind certain societal reactions towards prostitution as well as proposing innovative solutions that could reconcile societal fears of exploitation and abuse while meeting the rights and needs of individuals voluntarily involved in prostitution. With contributions across social science disciplines, this international collection presents a valuable discussion on the importance of empirical studies in various segments of prostitution, highlights social contexts around it and challenges regulatory responses that frame our thinking about prostitution, promoting fresh debate about future policy directions in this area. Over de auteur(s): Prof. dr. Gert Vermeulen is full professor of international and European criminal law and department chair criminal law and criminology at Ghent University, director of the Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP) and extraordinary professor of evidence at Maastricht University. Nina Peršak is research professor in the area of criminology and sociology of law, Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP), Faculty of Law, Ghent University.


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