RIDP libri 4 - Alternativas al sistema de justicia criminal latinoamericano | Francisco Figueroa Eduardo Saad-Diniz Manuela Parra Ayelén Trindade Hernán Kleiman | 9789046610411

  • Maklu

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Authors: Francisco Figueroa, Eduardo Saad-Diniz, Manuela Parra, Ayelén Trindade, Hernán Kleiman (eds) ISBN: 9789046610411 On 5 and 6 August 2019 the Argentinian and Brazilian Groups of the AIDP organized the Vth Symposium of Young Penalists, 20 years after establishing a Young Penalist section within the AIDP, in 1999 in Budapest. The Symposium, held at Buenos Aires University under the title “Alternatives to the Latin American Criminal Justice System”, focused on the topics society, economy and science. This book collects the selected papers, reflecting perspectives from Brazil, Uruguay, Peru, Mexico, Argentina and Spain.


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