Social Work in an International Perspective. History, views, diversity and human rights (Reeks: Sociale Wetenschappen - Kruispunten nr. 2) | Charlotte De Kock Christian Van Kerckhove Eva Vens | 9789044131475

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Auteurs: Charlotte De Kock, Christian Van Kerckhove & Eva Vens (Red.) ISBN: 9789044131475 2014 - 326 pagina's In this work academics and practitioners from all five continents highlight the history of the social work profession and its underlying academic and social paradigms. The authors come from Australia, Austria, Brazil, Belgium, Canada, Ghana, Great Britain, India, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States. The structure of this work allows the reader to trace back the historical and political influences in the interpretation of social work in the authors’ countries. Special attention is given to the notions of human rights and social diversity. Are human rights universal and which impact does this universality have on the social work profession? How does categorical work relate to generalist practice and does this in its turn relate to the conception of diversity? The authors approach these main queries in an exemplary and balanced manner using both theoretical analysis and case studies. The editors are the founding members of Mix!t, a forum for research, documentation and education in living/together, University College Ghent. Charlotte De Kock has a degree in African and cultural studies. She is active in practice oriented research projects with a focus on intercultural society, marital migration, integration policies, elderly migrants and intra-European migration. Christian Van Kerckhove is a scientist, philosopher and world traveller. He is head of the Social Work Degree program at University College Ghent and director of Mix!t. He teaches philosophy, social philosophy and ethics and is (co)promoter of several research projects. Eva Vens is a social worker and has a degree in comparative cultural sciences. She teaches cultural anthropology at University College Ghent and is (co)promotor of several research projects. With colleague Christian Van Kerckhove she is responsible for the development of a diversity policy for the Faculty.


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