Stalking in the Netherlands. Nature and prevalence of the problem and the effectiveness of anti-stalking measures (Reeks Intervict)
  • Stalking in the Netherlands. Nature and prevalence of the problem and the effectiveness of anti-stalking measures (Reeks Intervict)

Stalking in the Netherlands. Nature and prevalence of the problem and the effectiveness of anti-stalking measures (Reeks Intervict)

  • Maklu

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Auteur(s): Suzan van der Aa ISBN: 9789046603574 Writing love letters, making phone calls, and sending gifts, these are all seemingly innocuous or even romantic behaviours. This changes, however, when the love expressed in the letters remains unrequited, when the phone calls amount to hundreds a night, or when the gifts consist of bullets and funeral wreaths. When attempts to contact another person happen with a certain duration, nature, and frequency, the behaviour can be qualified as stalking and it can have a detrimental impact on the life of the person subjected to the unwanted attention. The phenomenon of stalking has not been the topic of much research and this goes all the more for stalking in the Netherlands. In this book, an account is given of the nature and prevalence of the problem, of the effectiveness and the (dis)advantages of resorting to the police, and of the pros and cons of two alternative anti-stalking measures: hiring the services of a private investigation and protection agency and obtaining a civil restraining order. Over de auteur(s): Suzan van der Aa (Tilburg, 1982) studied criminal law at Tilburg University. In September 2005, she started working as a Ph. D. candidate at the International Victimology Institute Tilburg (INTERVICT). In addition, she conducted several applied research projects for third parties, such as the Dutch Ministry of Justice and the European Commission. Recently, she has accepted a position as senior researcher (Universitair Docent) at INTERVICT. This book is her doctoral thesis.


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