Studies in modern arabic literature (Reeks WATA-Publications, nr. 3)
  • Studies in modern arabic literature (Reeks WATA-Publications, nr. 3)

Studies in modern arabic literature (Reeks WATA-Publications, nr. 3)

  • Garant

€14.00 (incl. VAT)

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Auteur(s): Faruq Mawasi ISBN: 9789044121384 Dr. Faruq Mawasi is a talented poet and a scholar who has memorized the Qur''an by heart, lectured in various institutions and edited literary supplements on Israeli radio and in various journals, he has promoted awareness of Arab culture and literature in Israel and abroad. His secular outlook and amiable character have brought him friends and admirers in the many countries which he visited. The six essays collected in this book deal mainly with Arab poets and their poetry in Israel. They are but a small part of Mawasi''s vast literary output in the form of poetry, short stories and scholarly studies. Over de auteur(s):


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