Teaching in diversity. Teachers and pupils about tense situations in ethnically heterogeneous classes
  • Teaching in diversity. Teachers and pupils about tense situations in ethnically heterogeneous classes

Teaching in diversity. Teachers and pupils about tense situations in ethnically heterogeneous classes

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Auteur(s): Hester Radstake ISBN: 9789044124675 Tensions and arguments about controversial issues are an inherent part of going to school. Pupils can learn from these situations. Teaching in diversity offers a knowledge base regarding tense situations as opportunities for citizenship education on living in an ethnically diverse society. The book addresses which tense situations teachers and pupils of ethnically diverse classes experience and how teachers react to these situations. It presents the results of a national survey in schools for secondary education in The Netherlands. Teachers and pupils from 89 classes of 34 schools provide information about their experiences with tense situations. In addition this book offers a more in-depth understanding about the demands that are placed on teachers when preparing and guiding discussions about sensitive issues related to ethnic diversity. To this purpose considerations and actual behaviour of four teachers guiding such discussions in ethnically diverse classes are analysed. Teaching in diversity is relevant for educational sociologists and educational scientists who are involved with citizenship education in ethnically diverse societies. It also provides a frame of reference for teachers and teacher educators who want to reflect on the practical implications of perceiving tense situations as opportunities for citizenship education. Over de auteur(s): Hester Radstake studied Pedagogical Sciences at the University of Amsterdam. Teaching in diversity is the result of the PhD-project she conducted at the SCOKohnstamm Instituut of the University of Amsterdam. Since 2007 she works as a senior advisor for educational policy and as a researcher at the CETAR – Centre for Educational Training, Assessment and Research of the VU – Free University in Amsterdam.


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