Tom test-R. Theory of Mind Test Revised - Set: Handleiding (met CD-rom) + Werkboek/Testplaten (Engelstalige versie)
  • Tom test-R. Theory of Mind Test Revised - Set: Handleiding (met CD-rom) + Werkboek/Testplaten (Engelstalige versie)

Tom test-R. Theory of Mind Test Revised - Set: Handleiding (met CD-rom) + Werkboek/Testplaten (Engelstalige versie)

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€200.00 (incl. VAT)

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Auteur(s): P. Steerneman & C. Meesters ISBN: 9789044127447 The ToM - Theory of Mind- test-R is one of the few standardized instruments that measures the construct of ToM (Theory of Mind ) at each of the three levels of its development: (1) Prerequisites of ToM (pretense, differentiating between the physical and mental world, emotion recognition); (2) first manifestations of ToM (first order belief and false belief) and (3) highest level of ToM (second order belief). With the help of a structured interview consisting of 14 test items (requiring about 20 minutes to administer), information is collected regarding the manner in which children between the ages of 4-12 process social understanding, insight, and sensitivity. The ToM test-R was specifically designed to use with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, but can certainly be used with other children between the ages of 4 and 12. The manual accompanies the workbook with photos and test items. The CD-ROM offers the scoresheet and the workbook in 5 other languages besides English: German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Arabic. Authors: Pim Steerneman , PhD in psychology, is CEO at the Care Centre Sevagram in the South of Limburg, the Netherlands. Cor Meesters , PhD in psychology, is Associate Professor at the Department of Clinical Psychological Science at Maastricht University, the Netherlands. This set (English) contains the manual (with cd-rom) and a workbook. There is also a Dutch version . Over de auteur(s):


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