What everyone should know about the Qur'an (Reeks WATA-Publications, n° 1)
  • What everyone should know about the Qur'an (Reeks WATA-Publications, n° 1)

What everyone should know about the Qur'an (Reeks WATA-Publications, n° 1)

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Auteur(s): A. Al-Laithy ISBN: 9789044117745 What Everyone Should Know About the Qur''an is an essential book for everyone wanting to know about the Holy Qur''an. It does not require any previous knowledge of the subject it, however, deals with historical and Qur''anic issues of extreme importance not only because the Qur''an is the Holy Book of over a billion Muslims, but also as it is considered the living miracle of Islam, as well. It is by all means the only miracle in existence in comparison to all other religions. One of the main concerns of this book is the controversial history of the collection of the Qur''an, not ignoring some linguistic points that are of interest to any reader who wants to know about the Qur''an but does not know where to start. This work paves the way for any reader who wishes to study the Qur''an in any degree of depth. In addition to discussing the stages of the Qur''an''s revelation, memorisation, writing, etc. this publication goes on to investigate jam''al-Qur''an, i.e., the collection of the Qur''an and its putting together in the form of a Book, in all its stages, as well as its preservation until the present day posing a challenge to all people of intellect. Over de auteur(s):


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